"The Deep Freeze"
April 23, 1977
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Mr. Freeze returns to chill in Gotham and he has a plan where he wants to take advantage of a new freeze weapon.
John and Joe Stuber of Comic Book Central are back in the Batcave talking about an episode that is much better than it has the right to be, considering how Filmation handled Mr. Freeze in the past. In it, they discuss how Mr. Freeze seems more like the Batman 66 character rather than the Filmation 68 one, how the cold puns were just the right amount for the story and where Michael Uslan lands on Batmite.​
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Comic Book Central – The Podcast is written, produced and hosted by Joe Stuber, an Emmy® award-winning producer and lifelong comic book fan. In his guise as Stuberman, Joe has created the world’s first podcast devoted exclusively to in-depth interviews with the legendary talents (actors, writers, producers, directors and more) who have brought comic book properties to life on TV, Broadway, film, video games, live events and beyond!
Joe’s love of comic books began with the superstars of Marvel and DC. Four color treasury-sized editions of Spidey, Superman, Hulk and Batman were all part of his expanding comic book collection…his favorite being the classic team-up, Superman Vs. The Amazing Spider-Man. But something special happened when those comic book adventures were brought to life on the small screen. The Spider-Man animated series and Adam West’s Batman were after-school syndicated staples in the Stuber household. And when the Richard Donner/Christopher Reeve classic film, Superman: The Movie hit the Act I Theater in downtown Johnstown, PA – the game changed forever. For the first time, a comic book truly came to life…and we all believed a man could fly.
Comic Book Central is a celebration of comic books coming to life. In the modern era of big-budget blockbusters with lifelike digital effects, comic book movies and TV shows are here to stay, and they’ve become a genre unto themselves.
Broadcasting from the Comic Book Central Lair, Stuberman welcomes superheroes (and super craftsmen and craftswomen) to spend some time talking about our favorite subject – comic book adaptations. Comic Book Central premiered November 8, 2013, has been heard in over 130 countries and has been called “the Inside the Actors Studio of Comic Books”. One listen and you’ll realize…you’ve just heard the world’s greatest podcast!