october 23, 1976
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Monster Squad was a one season NBC Saturday morning live action show for kids in 1976. In it, Walt, who worked in his uncle's wax museum, discovered that he could bring the figures of Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, and the Wolfman to life. Wanting to atone for the sins of their past, the trio, with Walt's crime computer set out on a mission to stop evil wherever they found it.
We move on to the seventh episode with the villain - The Astrologer, masterfully played by Jonathan Harris of Lost in Space. His plan is to make one of his predictions, an earthquake rocking the city, come true by using a thirty year old atomic bomb.
John and Joe Crowe of RevolutionSF and the Dragoncon American SciFi Classics Track discuss the performance of Jonathan Harris, the parallels of the clam trap with Batman 66's Joker/Penguin meetup, and how this is the best Drac episode to date.
Take a listen and let us know what you think here or by writing us at thebatcavepodcast@gmail.com.
Take a look at the planned and actual merchandise over at the Plaidstallions website. Click on the image left to take you there.
Learn more about the American Sci-Fi Classics Track by clicking on the image to the left.