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Detective Comics #82

October 22, 1943

"Quarterback of Crime"

I must admit, for as much as I hate stories dealing with pirates or having science fiction elements where they are not needed, I am a sucker for a good sports story even though I am not the least bit athletic. And Batman makes for a perfect venue to do such a story as gangsters getting involved in rigging games is a slam dunk in terms of story telling. (See what I did there?)

The story opens with Bruce and Dick attending a college football game and Bruce spotting two gangsters in the crowd. He knows something is up for them to be there. But quickly we see that this isn't a story about rigged games, but rather about using the movements of football to position men to move during a bank heist.

Later, Bruce reads about the heist and the way the gangsters moved about the bank. He and Dick plan to investigate. Alfred steps in and points out he was an excellent football player in his day should they next his expertise. The two go to a sports supply store where the owner points out he delivered football practice equipment to a pool hall.

The two interrupt the practice for the next heist. One of the gangsters throws a literal round bomb that Batman catches. (Shades of Batman 66!) He carries the unlit device about as he and Robin knock the gangsters about, but then the leader, Blackie triggers a switch that opens a trap door and sends them below.

Batman sees that the gang is running a side black market of sugar and coffee. He piles up the sacks of sugar to the top of the ceiling and the trap door and places the bomb atop it, blowing it open. They find the plans for the heist of the jewelry store, but they do not know which one is being hit.

So they call Alfred and ask for him to walk up and down the main street where he can check to see if anything unusual is happening in any of the stores and then flash the Batsignal with a powerful flashlight. But Alfred cannot simply just do as he's told. He wants to use his football expertise in the caper and so dons his older school uniform. The thing is, Alfred's football was rugby and his uniform looks out of place and a bit snug as he walks down the street.

Alfred hears the gang talking of Batman as they enter a jewelry store. Unfortunately, he forgot to bring the signal so he takes it upon himself to try to foil the robbery. He interrupts their game plan and manages to knock out a couple of them before he is taken down.

When he comes around he sees the gang leaving with their haul and leaving a lit bomb behind. Alfred grabs it and follows them to the roof where in his dazed state he hears them calling out to kick the bomb away. He does so and the explosion gets the attention of Batman and Robin.

The two jump in and take out the gang. The ending is cute as Alfred injured his foot in kicking the bomb and plans to spend a quiet afternoon reading his works on detective skills.

It's a nice story despite not being what I thought it might be and I love how Alfred is playing more and more a role in the stories. He even mentions how his football uniform was snug, but perhaps he would lose some weight playing the game again. A bit of a precursor of what is to come.

And what's next? We're on to World's Finest, Citizens!

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