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Batman 1943 - Chapter 3

July 30, 1943

"The Mark of the Zombies"

With a title like this, you would think we were getting something supernatural in nature, but instead the zombies are just mindless people under the control of Daka. Check out what writer Jim Beard and I thought of the chapter in our podcast below.

One other difference I noted in between the 43 and 49 serial is the use of title cards. The 43 version has the Batman logo, which may have been inspirational for Batman 66. The 49 serial just has the title against a black background.

It's funny how Daka yells at his men for messing up the robbery with Batman's interfering, but then says Batman is a rank amateur compared to any one of them. And I love Daka's line about Warren having, "fatalistic resignation" as he prepares to turn him into a zombie. Daka's lab is impressive for the small details we see like the cabinets and the various glassware filled with liquid. Jim and I noted toward the end of our review how Daka had to wear gloves in order to operate the device that turns people into zombies. Must make a point to see if that is consistent as he will use the machine again.

Both serials also have a well designed set piece that is used over and over again so as to make sure they get their money's worth. For the 43 serial, it's the amusement park ride that takes the men to Daka's headquarters. For the 49 serial, it's a submarine that takes the men to the Wizard's hideout.

And we get Alfred in good use as he's the contact man for Daka's men looking for their radium gun. It's a shame that in the 49 version so far, Alfred has been barely used. It's so strange considering he has only been in the comics a short time and yet we get a well realized and utilized character here. I don't think I realized it the first time we were covering it, but Alfred shoots his gun with his eyes closed. It makes the lines about how many he killed, seven, when there were only four all the more funny.

And we get another good cliffhanger ending, much better than most of what we've seen in the 49 one so far. (As of this writing, Jim and I have covered the first four chapters.). What's next? Why, we move on to chapter four, Citizens!

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