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"The Crime Computer" & 

"The Great Scarecrow Scare"

Aired November 9, 1968

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The Penguin gets himself a computer and begins plotting crimes with it.  Soon, it's a battle between Penguin's computer and the Batcomputer and then with the Dynamic Duo themselves.  Plus, we have the premiere of the Scarecrow on the cartoon.  But he doesn't have the same MO as most fans are accustomed to seeing.

In addition, John and Dan Greenfield, creator and author of the 13th Dimension discuss Filmation's tech design in their cartoons, their love for Alfred when he gets involved in the case, and the good and bad of this version of Batgirl.

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Dan Greenfield is the editor and co-creator of, a website devoted primarily to comics and pop culture, past and present. To him, the basic food groups are Batman, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek (the Original Series), James Bond, the Beatles and the Stones. But if he had to he'd be able to subsist on Batman alone. Channel 11 in New York was his favorite syndicated channel as a kid -- you can guess why -- followed closely by Channel 5. Channel 9 didn't really enter into it unless he was home sick and there wasn't much else on. He's married to his remarkably patient wife Wendy and his best sidekick is his son, Sam. They have two cats,Lex and Zod.



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Dan Greenfield of 13th Dimension is John's co-host on the Filmation 68 reviews. He goes into more detail about just how weird an episode the Scarecrow one is.

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