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"The Contaminated Cowl/

The Mad Hatter Runs Afoul"

Aired January 4/5, 1967

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The Mad Hatter is back in Gotham City with a new scheme to get Batman's cowl.  But will he want it once it's irradiated and turned pink?  And will he be able to use his planned deathtrap, a water tower, before the end of the first episode, or will it be another afterthought as in his last outing?  These questions will be answered on an all new Batcave Podcast!


Joining John to discuss this episode is Dan Greenfield, creator and author of the 13th Dimension website.


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Dan Greenfield is the editor and co-creator of, a website devoted primarily to comics and pop culture, past and present. To him, the basic food groups are Batman, Planet of the Apes, Star Trek (the Original Series), James Bond, the Beatles and the Stones. But if he had to he'd be able to subsist on Batman alone. Channel 11 in New York was his favorite syndicated channel as a kid -- you can guess why -- followed closely by Channel 5. Channel 9 didn't really enter into it unless he was home sick and there wasn't much else on. He's married to his remarkably patient wife Wendy and his best sidekick is his son, Sam. They have two cats,Lex and Zod.



13th Dimension Website

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The East Coast Comicon is April 11-12 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in N.J. — just across from NYC and accessible from the entire Northeast of the U.S. of A.  Click one of the images above to learn more about this great contest we are running in conjunction with 13th to score your tickets to the event, a chance to sit in the Batmobile, a Batmobile t-shirt, your picture on a Batmobile caricature, and a whole lot more!

This episode of The Green Hornet aired on the Friday following this week's episode of Batman.  

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